Recent news on energy

The latest assessment of green energy costs by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has been reported by the BBC.

Five of the big six energy providers are implementing price rises of between 7 and 10%.

On the day this was announced, the CCC said that Britain’s low carbon policy was saving money for households; a statement which is demonstrably untrue.

Hidden in the small print of the CCC report was the news that households would pay about twice as much for climate policies as the CCC had estimated two years ago.

The overall cost of decarbonisation will be over £300 billion by 2030, confirming what Peter Lilley MP estimated in his report on the cost of the Climate Change Act.

By 2030, low-carbon policies will account for 32% of residential electricity prices. The situation is worse for businesses; 40% of the electricity price paid by medium-sized commercial businesses will be due to decarbonization.

These costs have been concealed deliberately.

According to the report, 3.7 million people are living in fuel poverty. The largest percentage increases in energy bills are for those on the lowest incomes.

Clearly the CCC is unfit for purpose; it is behaving as if it was a pressure group for the renewables industry.

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