New Coal-Fired
Power Stations in Germany
Recent news on energy

29 New coal-fired power plants have been commissioned recently in Germany. Here's a list of some of them. Their design lifetime is 30 years:

EVONIK, Walsum (Duisburg), 800 MW black coal (2010)
RWE, Neurath (Cologne), 2 x 800 MW lignite (2009)
RWE Westfalen (Dortmund-Hamm, 2 x 800 MW black coal (2011)
EON Datteln (Dortmund), 1 x 1100 MW (!) black coal (2011)
ENBW Karlsruhe, 1 x 800 MW black coal (2011)
Trianel (municipality) Lünen, 1 x 800 MW black coal (2011)
Vattenfall Moorburg (Hamburg), 2 x 800 MW black coal (2011)
Vattenfall Boxberg (close to Leipzig), 1 x 800 MW lignite (2011)

The dates in brackets are the completion dates of the boilers (hydraulic testing and first fire).

In mainland Europe the German utilities are building the following units:

EON, Maasvlakte (Rotterdam), 1 x 1100 MW black coal
RWE Eemshaven (NL), 2 x 800 MW black coal.

This means about 11 GW of electricity from coal is newly on-stream in Germany whilst we [in the UK] are doing our best to close down our coal plants. The German plants are high efficiency, with a conversion factor of 45 percent, compared to British coal sets which deliver about 38 percent.

Replacing our current coal capacity with high efficiency sets would, therefore, save vastly more "carbon" than the savings that the entire wind estate, current and planned, will deliver.

......Thanks to Rod E for this information - Ed.


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