Electric Vehicles to be foisted
upon an unwilling Public

Recent news on energy

An Ofgem survey has found that 38% of motorists are unlikely to buy an electric car in the next five years because they are too expensive, the range is insufficient and there are not enough charging units. Many are living in accommodation where there will not be access to a private charger.

In addition to having inferior performance compared to petrol or diesel vehicles, the price of electric vehicles is generally £25k or higher.

The Commons Accounts Committee recently wrote a report saying that the Government has given insufficient thought to expanding the charging infrastructure fast enough to meet the timetable for the phasing out of petrol and diesel vehicles.

Battery and hybrid cars make up 1.3% of cars on the road at the time of writing. There is currently little evidence that the Grid will be able to deliver the 20GW or so of extra continuous capacity which would be necessary to keep these vehicles mobile.

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders have released figures showing that car numbers fell during 2020. The age of the average car is 8.4 years.

The electric vehicle roll-out appears to be a disaster in the making. The car industry is understandably hesitant at backing a technology which appears to be unworkable on several levels and yet which is being foisted on an unwilling public. Meanwhile car manufacturers are kitted up to produce petrol and diesel vehicles which will go 300-400 miles on a tank of fuel, do not corrode, have ultra-low emissions and a performance which was unimaginable forty years ago.

No wonder so many people think electric vehicles are a really bad idea.

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