
Sustainable living for the 21st Century




Over many years we have become increasingly concerned about the dearth of accurate, unbiased information on all matters relating to energy production, usage and storage.

People are being misled by the media and political statements are being made which in many cases are grossly inaccurate and in some cases completely untrue. This is especially true of wind energy, nuclear power, and 'clean coal'.

Below you will find articles and comments on stories in the press. I add to them as news breaks, so please return to keep up with what is happening. They are arranged by topic and date. Shorter items are on the 'Newsdesk' page.

Links to the left are more general articles about different kinds of fuel.

We hear a lot of comments about global warming. The graphs below show what has happened to global temperatures over recent years.

The view of this website is that energy policy should be rational and evidence-based. We need an energy strategy which minimises waste, delivers energy 24 hours a day at a reasonable price, and enables industry to flourish; we all need jobs.

Everything else should be secondary to that.

Click on the scientist having his tea break (top left) to return here.
NEWSDESK 2024....... GRIDWATCH.......

2023.. 2022.. 2021.. 2020.. 2019.. 2018.. 2017.. 2016.. 2015.. 2014.. 2013.. 2012.. 2011.. 2010.. 2009.. 2008.. 2007.. 2006..

LONGER ARTICLES.... 2020.. 2019.. 2018.. 2017.. 2016.. 2015.. 2014.. 2013.. 2012..

May 24 The Carbon Capture Con Viv Forbes
Apr 24 Net Zero Will Destroy Businesses
Feb 24 High Energy Costs and National Self-Harm
Feb 24 Electric Vehicle Industry in Crisis
Feb 24 There is no Climate Crisis
Feb 24 Why Carbon Capture Doesn't Work
Jan 24 Question over Renewables Howard Curnow
Dec 23 Funding Climate Activism and Suppressing Debate
Nov 23 How to change course without making it obvious
Nov 23 Industrial Devastation Threatens Skye
Oct 23 We Do Not Want to Insure Electric Cars
Jul 23 We Do Not Want Electric Cars
Jun 23 Despoiling the Highlands of Scotland Lyndsey Ward
Jun 23 The Greater London ULEZ Rip-Off
Jun 23 Why so many Wind Turbines? Lyndsey Ward
May 23 Emissions- what are they? Allan Taylor
May 23 Net Zero should be abandoned
By popular demand... CIDERMAKING without an apple press - Nigel Deacon
Mar 23 The Federation Cross Viv Forbes
Dec 22 Preventing the Lights Going Out Howard Curnow
Dec 22 Electricity in Germany
Nov 22 We Need Nuclear
Feb 22 Britain's Self-Inflicted Energy Crisis
Nov 21 The Truth about Cows and Farming
Nov 21 97% of Climate Scientists Believe ...
Nov 21 UK Average Temperatures 1998-2021
Oct 21 Human Activity and Extreme Weather Howard Curnow
Oct 21 Policy Decisions should be based on Facts Howard Curnow
Aug 21 We need proper spare wheels on our cars
May 21 Net Zero Steve Baker
May 21 Electric Vehicles to be foisted upon an unwilling Public
Jan 21 We already have too many wind turbines in Scotland Lindsey Ward
Dec 20 Renewables and their effect on the price of electricity
Nov 20 Electric Vehicles - a Bad Idea
Oct 20 Coronavirus and The Green Zone Viv Forbes
Feb 20 Protest at St. John's College, Oxford
Nov 19 Question Over Climate Models Howard Curnow
Nov 19 Letter from Australia: On Oil Allan Taylor
Oct 19 Letter from Australia: Bush Fires and other things Michael Darby
Apr 19 Wishful thinking on Climate Change Howard Curnow
Mar 19 The Nuclear Technology We Need: The SMR Colin Megson
Feb 19 Promoting the health of our Planet Jonathan Gravestock & Howard Curnow
Jan 19 Why is the Climate Department deciding our energy policy? Colin Megson
Jan 19 Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) Colin Megson

Jul 11 Basic Science: Water Vapour, Carbon Dioxide & The Greenhouse Effect

The John Droz file.

Jun 10 Moonbeams from the Larger Lunacy
May 10 Electric Cars to run on Fossil Fuel?
Dec 09 Choosing the correct lamps: Colour Temperature
Nov 09 Captain Planet's Top Tips
Low Energy Lightbulbs
More Energy Saving hints

GLOBAL WARMING DEBATE................... (archive... 2011.. 2010.. 2009.. 2008.. 2007..)
Jul 11 What Causes The Greenhouse Effect
Nov 11 Climategate II
Nov 10 Is global warming happening?
Nov 10 Hal Lewis's Resignation Letter
Nov 10 American Professor Resigns from APS over 'global warming' alarmism
Nov 10 Scientific American survey on Climate Change
May 10 The Carbon Cemeteries are already full - Viv Forbes
May 10 Royal Society changes its tune on AGW
May 10 Sunset Looms for Global Warming Industry
Mar 10 Carbon Capture
Mar 10 Government Climate Propaganda banned by ASA
Mar 10 The Royal Society and the integrity of Science
Feb 10 Update on the IPCC
Jan 10 New Scientist or Non Scientist?
Jan 10 Mothers' breath is Toxic Australian article
Dec 09 Climategate, video links and information
2008 The Manhattan Declaration
2007 No Consensus: Peter Stilb's Letter to the UN

Jul 11 Water Vapour, Carbon Dioxide & The Greenhouse Effect
Feb 11 Our Children - Indoctrination or Education?
Dec 09 The Politician and the Scientist
Nov 09 Is Carbon Dioxide a Pollutant?
The Greenhouse Effect
Carbon dioxide emissions
Carbon dioxide and my foreign holiday
Carbon dioxide and my journey to work
Human beings as carbon dioxide generators

Nov 12 The BBC Propaganda Seminar
Jul 12 The Unbiased BBC, One Year Later
Dec 11 Frozen Planet: BBC Bias Continues
Dec 11 The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal
Dec 11 Should we still be spending money on this?
Jul 11 Climate Change Movement is a Threat to Democracy - Czech President
Jul 11 A Five-Point Plan to destroy the Australian Economy
Jul 11 BBC Climate Bias?
Jun 11 In case you missed it - Hal Lewis resigns from APS over climate change scam
Jun 11 Mainstream media, excluding the BBC, continue to report the true cost of renewables
Jun 11 Mainstream media, excluding the BBC, begin to report the true cost of renewables

Jul 11 Mr. Huhne: Disconnected from Reality
Jun 11 Bulletin from Australia - A New Dark Green Age
Jun 11 Proposed carbon tax to penalise Australian Industry
May 11 David Cameron and the Huskies
Feb 11 Why the price of electricity keeps going up
Feb 11 House of Representatives votes to cease American funding of IPCC
May 10 Politicians unable to understand science
Mar 10 An Energy Policy at Last?
Mar 10 The Tories' Energy Plans
Audit of Green Jobs needed Australian article
All aboard - we're going to the Media Circus
The politics of global warming

Oct 11 Why Australians should reject a Carbon Tax
Jun 11 The Renewables Obligation, simply explained
Apr 10 Road Tax Increases: Another Green Tax
Mar 10 Eco-Upgrades for Homes
Mar 10 Compulsory Carbon Trading Scheme for 5000 Businesses
Jun 09 Carbon Taxes equals Job Losses
Oct 07 A compulsory energy surcharge when you move house

Welsh Male Voice Choir: Turbines
The Turbines Are Coming
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Klimaschwindel: Climate Change Fraud, by Kilez More
Increase in plant growth caused by more carbon dioxide
Terry the Turbine
Bob Carter lecture, 40m, on climate change and climate hazards.
Hitler on the Anthony Watts study: urban weather station temperature readings
Politics behind the man-made global warming hoax: David Evans
The Boy Who Cried Warming - new documentary

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